None of them would understand. What you have here, in this dark and secret place, it’s beautiful. They’d warn you that this sort of beauty is dangerous, like a raging fire. Well some things are worth getting burned for.Love has eclipsed all hope, and the dark has left you feeling beautiful.
Declare your backstory last.
Choose one person to be your Lover. Give them three Strings on you. Take one String on them.
Nobody understands you. Nobody even tries. You do so much for the people you love, and they walk all over you. Enough is enough! Betray them. Show them what its like to be uncared for. Reveal their monstrosity and yours. Only seeing the pain that you’re causing your Lover will let you escape your Darkest Self.
Choose one stat set Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1, OR Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile 1 Dark -1
You gain True Love, and choose two more:
When you have sex with someone, it awakens something sinister within. The next time you take your eyes off them, they become their Darkest Self.
Vulnerable, magnetic, and beautiful. For anybody else, giving away a String would represent a loss of control. For you, it’s more symbiotic - you get power by giving it away. The Mortal explores co-dependency, power imbalances, and wide-eyed eagerness.
The two stat choices for the Mortal both have Hot 2, because the Mortal is desirable and special. They differ depending on whether the Mortal is more impulsive and panicky (Volatile 1) or brooding and lonely (Dark 1).
True Love is about who you’ve currently placed at the center of your universe. You don’t necessarily need to be in a relationship with someone to declare them your Lover.
Your Sex Move might seem like a major drawback, but remember that the Mortal can gain a lot of leverage from victimhood. Having lovers suddenly get weird, scary, or hostile after a moment of intimacy gives you a perfect opportunity to take advantage of moves like Sympathy Is My Weapon, Excuses Are My Armour, and Down the Rabbit Hole.