Masks RPG Playbook - Outsider

You're not from here. Your home is an amazing place, full of beauty and wonder. But there's something to this place, something special that you're missing back home. Something... human. So yeah, you'll be hanging around. At least for now.



You can fly, and you’re pretty tough. Choose any two of the following:


(at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)







(-2 to directly engage a threat)
(-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
(-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
(-2 to unleash your powers)
(-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)


Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then determine what happened when your team first came together, the relationships between you and your teammates, and who has Influence over you.

When our team first came together...

We didn’t trust each other at first, but that changed.


You’ve been learning about Earth by spending time with .
You have a crush on but you keep it under wraps.


Choose your demeanor:

If you’re haughty, you think you’re better than them. Give no one Influence.

If you’re cheerful, you’re thrilled to be here. Give everyone Influence over you.

Outsider Moves

(Choose three)

You have the resources that come with your station. Whenever you contact your people, roll + Superior. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1, but your people make an uncomfortable demand of you. Spend your hold 1 for 1 to:
  • receive a useful piece of alien technology that will allow you to use any ability from another playbook once (choose the ability when you spend the hold)
  • consult your people’s knowledge to ask the GM a question about the current situation
  • clear a condition through the comfort of contact with your home
When you alter a human device with your alien technology, roll + Freak. On a hit, you create a device that can do something impossible once and then fizzle. When you roll a 10+, choose one:
  • it works exceptionally well
  • you get an additional use out of it
On a miss, the device works, but it has a completely unintended side effect that the GM will reveal when you use it.
Whenever you openly disregard or undermine an important Earth custom in favor of one of your own people’s customs, shift Superior up and any other Label down.
You have a vehicle, something from your home. Detail its look, and choose two strengths and two weaknesses. When you are flying your ship, you can use it to unleash your powers, directly engage a threat, or defend someone using Superior.

Strengths: , , , ,

Weaknesses: , , , ,

When you comfort or support someone by telling them how they exemplify the best parts of Earth, roll +Freak instead of +Mundane.
When you talk about your home, roll + Freak. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. During the conversation, you:
  • confess a flaw of your home; add 1 Team to the pool
  • mislead them about your home; take Influence over them
  • describe the glories of your home; clear a condition
On a miss, you inadvertently reveal more about yourself than you planned; tell them a secret or vulnerability you haven’t shared with Earthlings before now.

Moment of Truth

You embrace your home and call them for aid. They will answer your call -- in force! -- arriving exactly when you need them to turn the tide. They fight and serve you for the rest of the battle. Of course, when all is said and done... they’d probably like to take you home with them. You did, after all, just prove yourself worthy.

Team Moves

When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, take Influence over them if you show them meaningful affection, physical or emotional. They decide if it’s meaningful.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, they tell you what you should do to fit in more. Take +1 forward to do it, and mark potential if you do.



When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.

Take another move from your playbook
Take another move from your playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label
Unlock your Moment of Truth
Choose two new abilities from any playbook as you come into your own
You adopt a human life; take Secret Identity and The Mask from the Janus playbook

When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.

Unlock your Moment of Truth after it’s been used once
Change playbooks
Take an adult move
Take an adult move
Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice
Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city

Notes / Other Moves

Masks RPG Character Sheet - Save and Bookmark to store your character.
by Joe Fulgham / Adventure For Hire
Twitter: @joefulgham | Facebook: /joefulgham | Twitch: joefulgham | PayPal: joefulgham | Buy me a coffee
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